Eyri Restaurant Veitingahus Akureyri

Eyri Restaurant Veitingahus, Akureyri Hjalteyrarvegur Hjalteyri - Akureyri

• Scandinavian
• European
• Asian
• Soups
• Sit down

Recommended by 4 people
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Ratings of Eyri Restaurant Veitingahus

Last update on 19/08/2023
133 Reviews
Last update on 19/08/2023
4 Reviews


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Last update on 06/01/2021
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Last update on 14/02/2020
52 Reviews


(Þýtt af Google) EDIT: Ég fór aftur seinna um daginn í kvöldmat og kortið var enn mjög takmarkað en það er ekkert mál, ferskur fiskur er alltaf góð hugmynd. Ég fór í vegan disk dagsins, þetta var mjög bragðgóð rauðrófukaka. Þessi staður er fullkominn ef þú vilt ferskan fisk á diskinn þinn! Matseðillinn er mjög takmarkaður (fiskur dagsins, súpa dagsins, hamborgari eða vegan valkostur). Ég fékk mér fisk dagsins og aurskriðukokteil. Það var bragðgott og þjónninn sem þjónaði mér var ótrúlega vingjarnlegur. (Upprunalegt) EDIT: I went back later that day for dinner and the card was still very limited but that's no problem, fresh fish is always a good idea. I went for the vegan plate of the day, it was a very tasty beetroot 'cake'. This place is perfect if you want a fresh fish on your plate! The menu is really limited (fish of the day, soup of the day, a burger or a vegan option). I had the fish of the day and a mudslide cocktail. It was tasty and the waiter who served me was incredibly friendly.
Greg Janes
(Þýtt af Google) Konan mín og ég stoppuðum hér þegar við fórum um svæðið og vorum rækilega hrifin! Umgjörðin er falleg og falleg, við elskuðum hana um leið og við sáum hana koma niður götuna. Matseðillinn er mjög takmarkaður, en eins og venjulega þýðir takmarkaður matseðill að allt er ljúffengt - og það var það! Við fengum okkur sjávarréttadiskinn og fisk dagsins og höfðum bæði gaman af því! Myndi örugglega mæla með hverjum sem er á svæðinu! (Upprunalegt) My wife and I stopped by here while passing through the area and were thoroughly impressed! The setting is beautiful and quaint, we loved it as soon as we spotted it coming down the road. The menu is very limited, but as is usually the case, a limited menu means everything is delicious - and it was! We had the seafood platter and the fish of the day and both enjoyed it so much! Would definitely recommend to anyone in the area!
Virginia Moore
(Þýtt af Google) Þvílíkur einstakur veitingastaður! Útsýnið er óviðjafnanlegt og leikvöllur fyrir börn er í nágrenninu. Maturinn var frábær. Það var í fyrsta skipti sem ég hef gerjað Grænlandshákarl og hest. Þetta var kyrrlát upplifun. (Upprunalegt) What a unique restaurant! The view is unparalleled and there is a nearby playground for children. The food was great. It was my first time having fermented Greenland shark and horse. This was a serene experience.
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EYRI RESTAURANT VEITINGAHUS, AKUREYRI - Hjalteyrarvegur Hjalteyri - Menu and Prices

Our aggregate rating, “Sluurpometro”, is 98 based on 448 parameters and reviews

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